Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Living A Better Life : D

Living a better life? YES I AM!

after having a looooong path of complicated life, I finally moved on. I can't thank God enough to keep me tough and giving me plenty of amazing friends who supported me that much at that time : ))

Now I don't have to worry about anything. Anything which used to turn me to the bad mood mode: on. It's like losing 1oo kg of weight, can you imagine how reliefing it is? I found a quote and I love it so bad. It says : It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever. Life is never going on like you always want it to be. Life is like a rolling wheel, you can't just hanging on it's upside but there'll be a time that you're on it's downside. While you're spinning on that wheel, you probably through a lot of things. If it's good then take it, keep it and memorize it. If it's bad, don't ever regret it, when you regret it, it will be worse than ever, make it a lesson for you to be a better person in the future. I'm not just talking shits, I did it all.

I almost forgot, I'd like to introduce a girl, she's one of my best mates, Her name is Syarafina Vidyadana. I'm glad I found her and I love her so bad. Know why? Because of her, I'm standing still right now. She wrote 2 posts for me which both of it are really sweet and awesome (you can check it out yourself in her own blog). After I read those posts, I feel like I absolutely stupid to let myself waste my time and my life for not-so-important thing. The thing I learn from both of her post is don't worry about the thing you shouldn't worry about, if it meant to be yours, it'll be yours someday and forever. Right after I've done reading it, I printed it and when I started to feel sad, I would read it, again and again. And I learn about lots of things about life from her, she's the expert haha thanks a lot vi ; )


Senin, 11 Mei 2009

especially for you

Dedicated to Tyka, Avi, Bella, Hana, Rara, Alifa, Sasa, Dea, Audy, Petra, Gilang and Him

As time goes by, we were getting closer each and everyday. Till one day I found out that this feeling was growing up bigger after he came in. I felt like this is it, he is what I've been looking for.

Everyday he filled my time with happiness. Every night he came by my dream. And There is him in every breath that I take. I never thought that I could find someone like him.

There are lots of things we've been trough. Lots of memories that we've made. So many laughs and joys that we've shared. It all are amazing, very amazing.

You're the reason why I want to open my eyes every morning, why I want to take a breath every second, and why I want to stand up for this life. I really thankgod for all the things that I've done with you.

I've never had a thought of losing you. Never had a dream that you would leaving me alone. And I never thought that it would happened to me, to us. I broke down on the day you left. I felt my lung was running out of air. It hurts a lot, freakin' hurts. I don't know why it happened to me. I couldn't do such things like before. Oh god, I just wanted to go somewhere, somewhere that the sadness won't find me. I don't want to be miserable like this!

But then, I just realized that I have lots of very wonderful friends who would there for me when I really need them. They really helped me out of this shits. They tried all the things to make me happy and keep me strong, everyday. They could've told me to stop talking about him because they've already gone sick to listen to my story, but the thing that i really love about them is they didn't. They kept listening all of the fucking stories and hearing me whining and crying. What amazing friends, aren't they? The thing i regreted so bad about my friends was I should've known that I've got to love my friends more than someone I really like. I'm really sorry guys. But hey, I love you all more than ever now hehe

Now, the brighter day has come. I don't cry and whine anymore. enough is enough. I've got to get a move on with my life. I don't regret for what happened and what I've done. Those are blesses from god, maybe god wanted to tell me that he's not the right guy for me. And now, I'll fill my life with loves and laughs, no more tears : ))

maaf ya kalo bahasa inggris nya ancur hehe ;p

Senin, 06 April 2009


Hola nama gue Zahrina Hasmarani. Panggilan sebenernya sih Zahrina, yaa cmn temen-temen gue suka manggil gue Zabon, idk why huh. Hmm sebenernya ini bukan pertama kalinya gue nulis blog. Waktu jaman bahela dulu, pas jaman-jamannya friendster masih gaul gt gue pernah bikin blog, cmn ga pernah gue urus-urus gitu, abal lah pokoknya.

Gue suka bgt makan, i like to try many different foods, yaah no wonder lah kl gue gendut haha hmm selain makan apa lagi yah? yaa gue suka berenang, chatting bersama geng victim, gossip di kelas bersama tyka dan petra, tidur, telefon, ya banyak lg lah pokoknya. Kalo di sebutkan satu-satu air laut aja di jadiin tinta ga bakal cukup wakakak

Hidup gue hmm colorful! It's just the same as rainbow. Mulai dari peperangan antara gue dan pelajaran-pelajaran ipa yg menyebalkan, lovelife yg tak ada ujungnya (njieh), hidup di antara orang-orang freak yg meng-influnce gue jg jd agak sedikit freak. Banyak banget lika liku nya, seru bgt lah, te o pe be ge te deh hehe

Cita-cita gue Astronaut (wes keren gila), walaupun sering dikata-katain gara-gara mau jd astronaut gue tetep kekeh pengen jd astronaut. Liat aja ntar bbrp thn lg gue msk tv, lg di planet pluto (ga segitunya jg sih sbnrnya) hehe Doakan saya ya spy jd astronaut beneran (serius nih) hehe

okeoke enough for the first post, i'm getting tired right now.

Oiya! gue mau cerita dulu sblm gue mensudahi post ini.
Jadiakan gini ya. Hari ini ujan deres bgt kan, pokoknya ujan lah dimana-mana. Nah terus td tuh gue pulang dr sekolah (Al-Azahar pusat 1) sekitar jam 5an gitu. Terus karna sangking capeknya gue, gue langsung tidur nih di mobil. Waktu gue lagi tidur, gue merasa tidur gue udh agak lama, akhirnya gue bangun. Gue melihat keadaan sekitar. Taunya mobil gue baru nyampe depan pasaraya grande. Dari Alpus ke pasaraya tuh biasanya cmn 5 menitan gitu kan. Tp kok, hari sudah mulai gelap? pas gue liat jam di mobil gue sudah menunjukan pukul 6. Taunya men, jalanan macet abis, stuck gitu. Ga jalan sama sekali. Finally, gue nyampe rumah sekitar jam setengah 8. Sumpah pantat gue sampe tepos duduk di mobil, capek abis men. Yaa untungnya lagu good old-fashioned lover boy nya Queen (jd inget siapa yaaa hihiy) tetap setia menemani (tdk seperti yg memberi lagu nya).

Zahrina Hasmarani